To Pixar and Beyond

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by Lawrence Levy

The unlikely triumph of Pixar's never-before-told narrative.

“Hi, Lawrence?” the caller asked. “This is Steve Jobs. I saw your picture in a magazine a few years ago and thought we’d work together someday.”

After being abruptly fired from Apple, Steve Jobs purchased Pixar, a relatively unknown animation studio. Jobs contacted Lawrence Levy, a Harvard-trained lawyer and CEO with whom he had never talked before, one day out of the blue to urge Levy to assist him in getting Pixar off the ground.

Levy discovered a corporation on the point of bankruptcy. To Pixar and Beyond tells the narrative of what occurred next: how, in collaboration with Jobs, Levy devised and implemented a very unlikely strategy that transformed Pixar into one of Hollywood's most enduring success stories.

The book takes readers inside Pixar, Disney, legal firms, and investment banks in Silicon Valley and Hollywood. It gives a personal description of Pixar's rise, how the company made creative decisions, Levy's long friendship and partnership with Jobs, and how Levy came to find deeper truths in Pixar that can be applied to many facets of our lives.

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— Lawrence Levy, To Pixar and Beyond