Live Your Dash

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by Linda Ellis

In 1996, an announcer read Linda's Ellis's poem "The Dash" aloud on a syndicated radio program--and, to her surprise, it became an instant, meteoric success. Calls came in from people around the country eager to tell Linda how her words had touched their hearts. That was the beginning of an enduring phenomenon. "Live Your Dash" captures and expands upon the theme of the original poem: It's not your birth or death that matters most, but how you spend each passing year. Linda shares her message of joy, hope, and positive energy through uplifting stories, essays, and poetry, along with tales of people who have been "touched by the dash," including Bob Dole, legendary football coach Lou Holtz, and "American Idol" winner David Cook. An inspiring look at life based on the fantastically successful poem.

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— Linda Ellis, Live Your Dash