Voltaire's Bastards

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by John Ralston Saul

The Washington Post: "Voltaire's Bastards is a hand grenade disguised as a book. The pages explode with insight, style, and intellectual rigor... [This book] will leave you challenged, intrigued, and at times troubled." A phosphorescently intelligent search-and-destroy mission against the foundations of contemporary civilization. The result is a learned and devastating critique of our political, economic and cultural establishments.

Our thoughts on Voltaire's Bastards

Our favourite quote from Voltaire's Bastards

They (the novelists) became the voice of the citizen against the ubiquitous raison d'état, which reappeared endlessly to justify everything from unjust laws and the use of child labour to incompetent generalship and inhuman conditions on warships.

Book Summary

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They (the novelists) became the voice of the citizen against the ubiquitous raison d'état, which reappeared endlessly to justify everything from unjust laws and the use of child labour to incompetent generalship and inhuman conditions on warships.

— John Ralston Saul, Voltaire's Bastards