Start with Why

by Simon Sinek

The inspiring, life-changing bestseller by the author of LEADERS EAT LAST and TOGETHER IS BETTER.

In 2009, Simon Sinek started a movement to help people become more inspired at work, and in turn inspire their colleagues and customers. Since then, millions have been touched by the power of his ideas, including more than 28 million who’ve watched his TED Talk based on START WITH WHY -- the third most popular TED video of all time.

Sinek starts with a fundamental question: Why are some people and organizations more innovative, more influential, and more profitable than others? Why do some command greater loyalty from customers and employees alike? Even among the successful, why are so few able to repeat their success over and over?

People like Martin Luther King Jr., Steve Jobs, and the Wright Brothers had little in common, but they all started with WHY. They realized that people won't truly buy into a product, service, movement, or idea until they understand the WHY behind it.

START WITH WHY shows that the leaders who've had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way -- and it's the opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.

Our thoughts on Start with Why

In 2009, Simon Sinek gave one of the most popular TED talks of all time title “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”. The simple concept presented in this talk ultimately led to Sinek's bestselling book, Start with Why, which explores how individuals can create sustainable change by actively inspiring others.

“Leadership is the ability to rally people not for a single event, but for years. In business, leadership means that customers will continue to support your company even when you slip up.” —Simon Sinek, Start with Why

Great leaders in any team can get things done and create sustainable change over long periods of time because they inspire others to reach their goals. This is a valuable trait to have in your career and life. If you're a great leader, you'll create loyal followers that will stick with you through difficult challenges.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, a designer creating products people use, or interested in learning why we do the things that we do, Start with Why is an invaluable read.

“The basis of this book is so important to anyone looking to increase their influence, profits or impact. People won’t truly buy into a product, service, movement, or idea until they understand the WHY behind it. When you start with the why, everything else falls into place. This book is so impactful, I consider it required reading.” Tony Robbins, author of Unshakeable.

Our favourite quote from Start with Why

There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.

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10 recommendation for Start with Why

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There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.

— Simon Sinek, Start with Why