The Managerial Revolution: What Is Happening in the World

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by James Burnham

Burnham said that capitalism was dead, but that it was being replaced by a new economic system he called'managerialism' - control by managers.

This is the 1941 book that theorised how the world was shifting into the hands of the'managers.' Burnham explains how capitalism had almost lost control and would be displaced not by labour or socialism, but by the rule of administrators in business and government.

This change, he contended, is as vast as the earth and as extensive as human civilization, questioning, "Why is "totalitarianism" not the issue?" 'Can civilisation be annihilated?' And, 'Why is the New Deal something too enormous for Roosevelt to handle?'

James Burnham delves deeply into the implications of the managerial revolution in a book notable for its detached approach to these and other fundamental issues.

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— James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution: What Is Happening in the World