Screw Business As Usual

by Richard Branson

Can we bring more meaning to our lives and help change the world at the same time? Richard Branson, at his brilliant and motivating best, reveals how with his exciting new vision for the future. It is time to turn capitalism upside down – to shift our values, to switch from a profit focus to caring for people, communities and the planet.

With inspiration for everyone, Screw Business As Usual shows how easy it is for both businesses and individuals to embark on a whole new way of doing things, solving major problems and turning our work into something we both love and are proud of.

Our thoughts on Screw Business As Usual

Our favourite quote from Screw Business As Usual

“For those who think business exists to make a profit, I suggest they think again. Business makes a profit to exist. Surely it must exist for some higher, nobler purpose than that" - Ray Anderson, founder of Interface Inc.”

Book Summary

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“For those who think business exists to make a profit, I suggest they think again. Business makes a profit to exist. Surely it must exist for some higher, nobler purpose than that" - Ray Anderson, founder of Interface Inc.”

— Richard Branson, Screw Business As Usual