Psychology of the Digital Age

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by John R. Suler

This fascinating book offers ideas for improving lives and promoting wellness in the digital era, based on two decades of participant-observation field research in a variety of online venues. Online identity management, disinhibition, communication via text and photographs, intimacy and misunderstandings in online relationships, conflicting attitudes toward social media, addiction, deviant behavior, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and media overload are among the topics covered by John R. Suler, a founder of the field of cyberpsychology. He introduces the 'Eight Dimensions of Cyberpsychology Architecture,' a novel framework that academics, students, and general readers interested in cyberpsychology may use to create and comprehend various digital landscapes. The person is the emphasis of Psychology of the Digital Age, which sheds fresh insight on our conscious and subconscious reactions to online encounters, as well as our inherent human need to self-actualize.

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— John R. Suler, Psychology of the Digital Age