Perspective on McKinsey & Company

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by Marvin Bower

Marvin Bower worked for and led McKinsey & Company for 45 years. He succeeded Jim McKinseys untimely death. He wrote Perspectives on McKinsey for McKinsey employees, and it is not available to the general public as it contains trade secrets. This account is his own unique view on the development of McKinsey & Company. Bower outlines the eleven key factors of success for McKinsey, the three needs for success in consulting, how to create better organizations, and how to ensure each client gets a 10-to-1 return on each consulting dollar spent with McKinsey. Chapters include: Years of Shaping Purpose; The Firm's Early Years; Merging and Unmerging; Building a Distinctive National Firm; Becoming an International Firm; Building our Clientele; Professionalism - The Firm's Secret Strength; Development of Our Consulting Staff Philosophy; Developing Our Managing Philosophy and System; Perspective from the Sidelines; and Gearing the Firm to a Successful Future.

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— Marvin Bower, Perspective on McKinsey & Company