The Foundation

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by Joel L. Fleishman

Since their inception at the turn of the century, private foundations have been the driving force behind social transformation. Yet only around 10% of the public is aware of their existence, and even those who are aware of them, as well as those who seek funds from them, are completely unaware of their inner workings. Joel Fleishman understands the foundation world like few others, and in this ground-breaking book, he recounts the history of foundations from their first days as robber barons seeking social respectability to the present day. This book explains how and why foundations are important, as well as how their future may offer a significant boost to the economy of the United States and the rest of the world—if they are properly formed and run.

Our thoughts on The Foundation

Our favourite quote from The Foundation

One of the most infuriating traits of some philanthropoids is their practice of dragging out grantmaking decisions beyond any reasonable time frame, while failing to offer any clear signals about the real likelihood of approval. When the proposal has been solicited by the foundation in the first place—which is usually the case nowadays—this behavior is even more reprehensible.

Book Summary

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One of the most infuriating traits of some philanthropoids is their practice of dragging out grantmaking decisions beyond any reasonable time frame, while failing to offer any clear signals about the real likelihood of approval. When the proposal has been solicited by the foundation in the first place—which is usually the case nowadays—this behavior is even more reprehensible.

— Joel L. Fleishman, The Foundation