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by Rebecca Goldstein

The notable twentieth-century mathematician's pioneering incompleteness theorem, contributions within the famed Vienna circle, interactions with contemporaries such as Albert Einstein, and premature death as a result of mental instability and self-starvation are all discussed in this portrayal.

Our thoughts on Incompleteness

Our favourite quote from Incompleteness

Einstein’s and Gödel’s metaconvictions were addressed to the question of whether their respective fields are descriptions of an objective reality—existing independent of our thinking of it—or, rather, are subjective human projections, socially shared intellectual constructs.

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Einstein’s and Gödel’s metaconvictions were addressed to the question of whether their respective fields are descriptions of an objective reality—existing independent of our thinking of it—or, rather, are subjective human projections, socially shared intellectual constructs.

— Rebecca Goldstein, Incompleteness