Dementia Præcox and Paraphrenia

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by Emil Kraepelin

Now that general paralysis Of the insane, after a century of Observation and research, has yielded up most Of its secrets, by far the most important practical problem facing the psychiatrist and the community, in the domain Of mental hygiene, is that Of dementia prazcox. The patients suffering from this disease form the major part Of the inmates Of our mental hospitals. The heavy financial burden imposed upon the public for the treatment Of the insane, resolves itself therefore very largely into the outlays needed for the lifelong care Of the almost hopeless victims Of this disorder. More over, as the disease does not directly cause death. And as such patients lead protected lives and live long, they tend to accumulate. They thus form the chief reason for the periodical necessity Of enlarging our mental hospitals, and Of erecting new ones. Could a study Of the causes and treatment of this disorder result in its prevention or diminution, its cure or alleviation, a practical benefit to society of the most direct and valuable kind would be conferred. Such an enquiry should have the support Of the Ministry Of Health as this disease costs the State more than any other. H ow to avert this dementia continues to be the cardinal problem Of psychiatry.

It is hoped that the publication Of this translation will stimulate. The interest Of English-speaking physicians in these peculiar states Of mental enfeeblement, promote further clinical Observation and research, and lead to greater accuracy of diagnosis and prognosis, with a better understanding Of the nature of the disease.

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— Emil Kraepelin, Dementia Præcox and Paraphrenia