Break the Twitch

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by Anthony Ongaro

Every day, we make hundreds of small actions without even thinking about them. Pulling out our smartphones, clicking the one-click purchase button, pulling down to refresh the social media feed, and more. Automatic actions that have become so deeply programmed into our lives that we don't have the chance to stop and ask ourselves a very important question:

Do I actually want to do this right now?

This book is all about taking a step back, identifying the Twitch—the impulsive, unproductive responses we have to discomfort—minimizing those distractions, kicking the clutter, and doing more of what matters.

Our thoughts on Break the Twitch

Our favourite quote from Break the Twitch

So really, minimalism is about the art of balance—creating a physical space that helps us feel peaceful and focused on our priorities, while intentionally pursuing experiences that will bring us enjoyment and lasting memories.

Book Summary

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So really, minimalism is about the art of balance—creating a physical space that helps us feel peaceful and focused on our priorities, while intentionally pursuing experiences that will bring us enjoyment and lasting memories.

— Anthony Ongaro, Break the Twitch